The Life Cycle Of Software Development

Software development is more than just getting that good idea and having the brain and investment to implement it for the market. You have to worry about all the middle men, stakeholders and trying to get approval while designing the software. On top of this once it is all completed you then have guard against big organisations trying to drive your price down.

The start of the cycle can seem quite optimistic you have been given a brief and the ideas are flowing out of your mind. Then the focus groups and limited budget start to change the software and before you know it the finished article is not what it was expected.

The Life Cycle Of Software Development

The biggest headache can then come from selling the product. Especially if you are a small company there can be lots of issues including confidence in the stability of the company, limited funds or changing areas of the software for them.  Escrow services are a realistic avenue to ensure that all the hard work into the software has not been in vein.

With software escrow services (sometimes known as source code escrow); it is a service designed to provide licensed software with access to the source code for the end-user should the software provider fail to maintain its contract. While this sounds like a one sided affair the services tend to act as a third part to ensure that both parties are happy.

Some companies may not be willing to part ways with their source code but in this competitive market the trend is heading this way. In order to be successful, software companies have to make sacrifices when selling their product.

With Secure Due Diligence agreements, which are favoured by Escrow Associates, the level of confidentiality is high and all legality is adhered to in a fast and convenient way.

From the beginning software development can be laced with issues from the technical to the business side. Through resolve and a passion for the software pushes most people through. By using the right software escrow service the problems can stop there and the sales part of the process can become simpler. Escrow services can ensure that a financial goal can be achieved through a third party agreement.

While the life cycle of software development may be an arduous process; by taking the big step to allowing your source code to be handled by a third party it can ensure longevity for your product and company.