Habits for a Healthier, Happier Life

The ultimate way to be healthy is to be happy and that can be difficult for many people going through a rough patch. However, there are fine adjustments that you can make to ensure you are living a happy and healthy lifestyle.

Have you ever heard of putting in an extra 1% for each day as small changes make large improvements? Investing into your happiness are those small changes that you can make to ensure you become happier. Making changes to your habits can make all the difference for your happiness and there are many habits that you can implement into your life. 

If you are someone who is looking to make a change to their life in order to become a happier individual, you need to make these small changes. 

Try Your Best To Smile

There will be times in your life when it isn’t possible to smile however, when there is an opportunity to smile, take it. Smiling has a knock-on effect on others but more importantly yourself. This is because our brains release dopamine which then makes us much happier. 

Now, we are not saying that you have to carry a fake smile on your face all the time. Just when the opportunity arises, have a smile on your face instead of a frown. It all starts from the moment you wake up so get up, smile in the mirror and attack the day with that extra bit of dopamine that you have. 

Keep Active

Keeping active is another great way to be healthier and this habit can be difficult to build, especially if you have been one for exercising. Plus, the health effects of exercising are through the roof. Not only will it make you happier because of the endorphins you release, but it will also reduce stress and boost your self-esteem. 

It doesn’t need to be a half marathon or completing a Hyrox tournament. It can be something much simpler than this. This can be something as little as a 30-minute walk in the morning. It can also include swimming for 45 minutes or going on a light jog. Maybe playing tennis, paddle or badminton with friends. Whatever it is, it will make you feel better about yourself. 

The hard part with exercise is remaining consistent. You need to push yourself to stay active and get up early in the morning to get in a workout. If you don’t have time in the morning, consider it after work. Even on your lunch break, you can squeeze in those extra minutes of exercise that will instantly give you a mood boost. 

Prioritise Sleep

There are so many studies on the importance of sleep and this is something that people don’t respect enough. Sleep is our chance to rest the mind and recharge the batteries. 

An adult will roughly require 7 hours of sleep but others may require less. An adequate amount of sleep allows you to recharge your batteries and give your mind a rest for the hours of focus you have committed yourself to. 

A lack of sleep can cause a number of issues with our health and health problems with call cause further issues with our happiness. It is required for brain health and for our overall emotional well-being. Getting enough sleep will also reduce the risk of depression, heart disease and diabetes. 

Eat with health at the front of your mind

Something that many of us forget is that we should eat for our health. Put the wrong fuel in a car and it won’t effectively. That is the same for humans. If we fill ourselves up with processed foods and takeaways all the time, we can’t expect to perform at our best. Now, we are not saying you should completely restrict your diet to foods that you are healthy. You are allowed a cheat meal once in a while. 

There are many foods that you can consume to ensure you are healthy. Aiming for your five-a-day, consuming various types of meat and healthy carbohydrates will ensure you stay healthy. Like we said, if you want the occasional takeaway then you can do that, just make sure you don’t have one too many or else that hard work in the gym will go to waste. If you wish to go to your favourite restaurant in Leeds then 

Be accepting of the unhappy moments

There are going to be periods in your life where you will experience unhappy moments in your life. That is a given and you just have to accept that. If these unhappy moments do occur then don’t force a smile if it has affected your mood entirely. 

When you are unhappy, you need to understand why it made you unhappy and embrace the moment. Then ask yourself what you will need to recover. Would step outside of work? Will meeting up with friends work? Or, just watch your favourite television show. There are many things that make you happy so think of those things and aim to make yourself happy. 

Journal your days

Another great habit to adopt in your life is to journal everything. Allow yourself time before you go to sleep to reflect on your day. Think of the good and bad things that have happened. What have you done differently to make you feel how you feel? 

Additionally, journaling can be a good way to empty your mind. If you have a lot of thoughts that are bouncing around them empty them out onto a blank piece of paper. This will help you forget about your thoughts and allow you to get some quality sleep. 

Don’t compare yourself to others

Another great habit to adopt is that you shouldn’t compare yourself to other people. Their situation is completely different to yours so you shouldn’t compare. The only person that you should compare to is the one that faces in the mirror which is you. Use your journal to see where you were last week and where you are now. You can even go back a month and compare it to how you are now. 

Comparing yourself to others can put you in a bad mood and lower your self-esteem. It can lead to depression and anxiety which can cause other health problems. Now, it can be hard to stop comparing to others and it will take a lot of practice. If it is in your mind to stop comparing yourself to others, gradually that comparison will fade away and the only person you should compare yourself to is you. 


Making these small amendments can make all the difference to your health and after all, health is wealth. Being healthy will only lead you to being happier so adopt these habits and watch your health accelerate.