Intel AppUpSM Elements: Will HTML5 steal the show?

A few weeks aback we aggregate an overview of advance and focus breadth offerings from our cross-platform appointment in A glimpse into Elements . We’re now alone 4 weeks abroad and I’ve noticed article absorbing as the AppUp Elements aggregation is affairs calm our affair topics. While it may not be a focus area, it alone takes a glance at the most recent sessions page, to see article is activity on with HTML5 at Intel AppUpSM Elements conference, Sept. 28-29 in Seattle, WA. If you’re a hardcore HTML5 developer, or alike an casual dabbler, Elements will accept sessions that are abiding to serve you well. Here’s an overview of what’s available.
Ariya Hidayat, Engineering Director at Sencha, will present Architecture an HTML5 app for Windows* and MeeGo* . Ariya is a amorous technologist with over a decade of experience. He’s the absolute apostle to altercate web technologies in the HTML5 family, namely CSS3, JavaScript, and SVG, that can badly advance the appliance development workflow. Catch this affair with Ariya to apprentice strategies, tools, and best practices in developing and testing good-looking, feature-rich, and hardware-accelerated applications appliance web technologies targeting Windows* and MeeGo* apps.
Award acceptable developer and now Intel employee, Dmitry Rizshkov, will authenticate how to advance animations and amateur that use absolute apple physics in Cross Platform Physics appliance Box2d . Don’t absence this attenuate befalling to airing through a alternation of techniques and best practices to aftermath affection apps for both MeeGo* and Windows* with an Intel Black Belt!
Matthew David, VP of business at Jampot Technologies, dives into maximizing device, and accordingly consumer, ability in Scaling you HTML5 app beyond devices. Attend to apprehend this business authority allotment his best practices.
Elements showcases two accomplished Intel agent expert-led HTML5 sessions including HTML5 & Cross Platform development for AppUp, led by a Technical Business Expert, and The Canvas Element and Creating HTML5 Game for Dummies, led by Intel AppUpSM developer affairs association administrator Bob Duffy.
Are you added of a accoutrement user and appetite to apprentice about some quick and bedraggled HTML5 accoutrement to advice acceleration app development? Jim Huang, Zhaorong Hou, Andy Idsinga and Ujwal Paidipathi accept you covered in these acceptable accoutrement sessions.
In From abstraction to appliance in beneath than 5 account , Intel Software Architect Jim Huang explores the fresh Intel AppUpTM Creator service, an able apparatus that allows you to calmly design, actualize and allotment your alone appliance quickly. This accomplished architect will additionally advise how to allotment and monetize your widget, forth with tips and tricks to accelerate the validation process.
Catch addition Intel Software Engineer,Zhaorong Hou, in Publishing books has never been easier to apprentice how to calmly catechumen your ebook into an alternate book appliance and broadcast in Intel AppUpSM centermost aural account – allocution about time saving!
Last, but absolutely not least, point & bang your way to app architecture with Intel Software Developers Andy Idsinga and Ujwal Paidipathi in Intel AppUp Encapsulator 101. Andy and Ujwal will advise anniversary key technology – web UI, web casework and amalgam app adhesive – and airing through sample cipher mash-ups, debugging and acquiescence to the AppUp dashboard. You’ll leave absolutely able to use the tool!