5 Tips For Planning An Effective AV Experience At Your Conference

On the surface it doesn’t seem hard to plan your audio visual requirements for a conference. It seems simple – a screen, a PA system, and some lights. But it is quickly obvious that to plan an effective and cost-efficient AV set-up takes a little more effort. If you’re thinking about a conference or event and want to make sure everyone is seen and heard, consider these tips.

  1. Pick an Excellent AV Supplier

You could do it yourself or use the AV set-up included by the venue, but it is more effective and cost-efficient to arrange Av Rental with an external supplier. Pick a professional, reliable supplier to help plan what equipment you need and how it will be used.  You’ll benefit from a fully comprehensive, joined-up solution that really works for your needs and your budget.

  1. Know Your Needs

Speaking of budget, this is one thing you need to be clear about from the start. But you also need to be clear as to your expectations for the conference – who do you want to attract? What will be the outcomes? What kind of event are you planning and how big? This will help dictate, from the start, what kind of AV equipment you need.

  1. Develop a Working Relationship

Communicate these key factors with your AV team. Talk with your project manager early on. Don’t fall into the trap of planning your event and your AV separately, then discovering close to the day that these aspects do not match. You are also looking for an AV supplier that can bring their creative expertise to problem solving, so that you end up with solutions you may not have thought about on your own.

  1. Pay Attention to Sound

Visuals are usually the first thing anyone plans but you also need to consider how you are going to effectively plan the sound so that everyone will be able to hear. It’s not just that the sound has to be loud – it has to be appropriate, and able to be adjusted by a sound engineer in different situations.

  1. Plan How to Measure Success

Work out how your AV set-up can help you measure deliverables and ensure that you record what was successful at the conference. You can also plan to deliver a set of presentations, media releases, blog posts, or online content that can be formulated from AV content at the event. You will be able to get the message of your conference to a wider audience, even when it has concluded.