Trading in the Tent for a Trailer? How to Keep Your New RV in Tip-Top Condition

Upgrading from old-school camping to an RV trailer is an important milestone in your camping journey. Gone are the days of wandering to an outhouse in the middle of the night, or sleeping on the rocky ground. Instead, you can sit back and enjoy the great outdoors while retiring to your well-appointed recreational vehicle. However, there are responsibilities that come with owning a trailer. Here are a few ways to keep your new TV in tip-top condition.

Check Your Roof for Leaks

One of the most troublesome maintenance spots is the roof of your RV. It is not uncommon for the caulking between the joints of some models to rot over time, which can lead to leaks in the cabin. Unfixed, these leaks can destroy the interior of your RV along with your personal belongings. If you are regularly using your RV or storing it outdoors, it is best practice to check the roof for leaks every three months. If storing the RV indoors, you can check every six to twelve months.

Standard Vehicle Maintenance

Just like your car or truck, an RV requires standard maintenance on a set schedule. Unlike your car (and probably your truck), an RV is generally much heavier and that means much more wear and tear on the engine, suspension, tires, and the rest of the components of the recreational vehicle. Good things to check are your oil levels, battery, brakes, wiper fluids, and tires. Maintenance is key to avoiding costly trailer repairs.

Ensure the RV Awning and Slide-Outs Are Clean

Another trouble spot for RV owners are the areas in and around the slide-out sleeper cabins and the retractable awnings on the exterior of the vehicle. These can get caked with mud, leaves, dust, and other detritus. Clean these out once every few months, or more if you use the vehicle regularly.

Inspect RV Connection

This one is the most important. If you are towing a trailer you must check the hitch connection before every ride. When towing such a large amount, even a small mistake can end in disaster—at the very least, you will end up with a destroyed RV. Before every trip, check the connection using the onboard electronics

Your RV comes with a lot of responsibilities, but they are all worth it. There is nothing like seeing the great outdoors from the comfort of your very own mobile command center. Regular maintenance will keep you traveling the highways of this country for miles to come.