Benefits of Inviting Friends to KhelplayRummy App

Online gaming is the new option open to all rummy maniacs. The countless mobile apps and websites allow you to play rummy online with friends as well as strangers. There are countless merits of online gaming that was never present in the traditional way of playing rummy. Here we have listed a few of the major merits.

Opportunity to Play with Your Rummy Circles Anytime Anywhere

One drawback we most often experience when we play rummy offline is that there are time and place restrictions. You need to make sure you play at a time that is most convenient for all the players. You cannot play when you feel. This is not the case when you play on Khelplay Rummy App. There is always some rummy enthusiast who is online on the app and eager to play. You can play with your friends who stay awake late and no one will stop you as you are playing from home. These are some privileges restricted to people playing the game online.

A Chance to Participate in the Same Rummy Tournaments Online

If you and your friends are a part of KhelplayRummy, there are chances you will be invited to the same tournaments. It would be fun experience to be a part of common rummy tournaments. You can explore your rummy prowess through such tournaments and matches online.

KhelplayRummy comes up with exciting rummy tournaments each season. There is a tournament for each big event and there is a tournament dedicated to each big festival. Each time you get bored as family gathers for some rituals in festivals, you just need to get online and play your favourite tournaments on this marvellous app.

An Opportunity to Play with Your Friends with Cash

Can you ever imagine playing with cash offline today? The simple answer to this question is no. Most people regard playing rummy with cash as gambling. It is banned and deemed illegal in most cases. However, one cannot deny the fact that playing with cash is always more exciting. There is a thrill in winning the games when you play with cash. This is one pleasure you can enjoy with your friends when you make an account on KhelplayRummy. When you play with real chips, you win real cash which you may encash later. This is an exciting way to make a few quick bucks if you are a thorough rummy player.

Chat While You Play

The app also permits in-game chatting. This means that you can chat with your friends through this app while you play rummy. Isn’t this an exciting way to catch up with friends over a round of rummy?

Chance to Win Bonus Points for Each Invite Sent

Like most of the modern gaming accounts, KhelplayRummy also offers some bonus and loyalty points to its players. Each time you invite a friend to the app and he or she accepts the invitation, you enjoy certain bonus points. This is a simple means used by most popular gaming websites to gain more players. This is a win-win situation as you get to invite people from your rummy circles. What’s more, inviting helps you get some extra chips to play with. So, why lose such a wonderful chance. Go ahead and invite your favourite rummy pals to this wonder gaming app.