6 Signs It’s Time To Repaint Your Home!

It can’t be stressed enough what it means to paint your home’s outside walls.  Your home is what represents you.  If the exterior walls of your home are chipped and peeling, it doesn’t exactly give the best impression of you or the conditions that you live in.  You also need the right type of paint that protects your house from the harsh environmental elements.  When you repaint your home, there are two things that it does; gives it a visual charm, and its coating protects it from rough weather.  Below are a few signs you should look at when you want to repaint your home.

  1. The Paint Is Peeling

It looks absolutely hideous when the outside surface of your home has peeling paint.  When the paint starts chipping and appears to be very flaky, it is a good idea to get in touch with a paint contractor.  As time progresses, the moisture and heat of the sun are detrimental that are exposed to the paint coat on the exterior. You may even see little pieces of paint falling down or lying on the terra firma.  This may show that the flaking is coming from the upper levels of the, and you cannot see them afar.

  1. Visible Surface Spidery Cracks

If you start seeing these spidery looking cracks on the surface of the exterior walls and ceilings, it means that the coating of paint is now starting to crash. Hence, it will lead to the paint starting to flake and chip. This may be one of the first of the many signs that the walls need a new coat.

  1. The Color Starts To Fade

When the home’s outside walls are exposed to moisture and the sun’s heat, they are also unprotected from the vicious ultraviolet rays – all throughout the year. Which means that all this exposure will lead to the paint color to fade.  If you get a fresh coat once in a while, it will give the impression that your home is well kept and the value of your house will be nicely maintained.

  1. The Outside Surface Looks Filthy & Pointless To Wash

After months of winter snow, spring showers, and monsoon season, the exterior of your home will have a great deal of dirt and loads of pollution stuck on the surface. You may try and wash the entire exterior. However, blasting it with water will probably increase the eroding process because the water pressure will probably remove parts of the dirt and everything else temporarily.  Things like mold and pollution particles will come back immediately. The best thing to do would be to repaint the exterior walls.

  1. The Water Marks

If you live a country where it rains on a regular basis, or there is a great deal of humidity, stains of water can happen on your exterior walls and it can be problematic. Especially if there are heavy set rains of spring or summer monsoons, the aftereffects happen to leave uneven and ugly marks.  However, a new coat of paint over these stains freshen the look up.

  1. Rotting Wood Signs

Sometimes you will start to see paint getting lost and some of the wood rotting around door frames and even windows.  A coat of paint will actually help shield the wood from the environment. Unfortunately, without a coat of paint, many of the materials of construction start getting worse or their condition weakens more quickly.

About Writer: Scarlett Erin is an Interior Designer and a Pro Blogger at Assignment Star. Her articles reflect her artistic side to home furnishing and decoration. Her other interests include rugby, cooking, and swimming.