Transform Your Shed Into A Summer House Dream

With summer soon approaching, it won’t be long until the long warm nights and tasty BBQ start and what better what to get your garden ready this summer than by transforming your shed into your favourite hideaway summer house?

First of you, yes you can transform any shed, start out with the outside and work your way in. Have a long, hard look at your garden, now white isn’t exactly the most practical of colours, but what about a pale yellow, pastel blue or washed out orange? Perhaps you already have a particular colour in your garden? Try and pick a colour that will bring a spot of summer to your garden.

Are you lucky enough to have windows on your shed? Go the whole way and add some flower baskets to the outsider of your shed. Garden centres and DIY stores sell a wide range of colourful plants to add a burst of colour to your shed, try and make a statement and contrast the colours of your flowers with the colour of your shed.

Move Onto the Inside:

Now sheds aren’t the large spaces, however, if you are clever about the design there will be plenty of space for an armchair and book shelve, somewhere just for you, the romance novel and a glass of wine relaxing in the evening on a warm summers eve.

  • Use the walls: by incorporating artwork and clocks on the walls will give that homely setting.
  • Bookshelves: they are a great way to link a hobby with your shed, hopefully you will get some down time to do some reading in there, so why not start collecting your favourite books to put on the shelf; add your personality.
  • Rugs: Often the flooring of sheds can let them down, but if you invest in a large, fluffy area rug, you can slip off your garden shoes and onto the soft carpet, indulge and relax.


Obviously if you are going to be using the furniture outside, then be sensible and choose durable furniture that won’t rust after one summer. Take this opportunity to head to the high street in search of some bright dining accessories and lanterns, by buying specific out door accessories and furniture, they should last along longer, hopefully two or three summers!

Dream Big

If you have a large enough shed, more like a chalet, then why not put a solid oak dining table and some chairs in there! What a fantastic way to enjoy the summer evenings, with no distractions of televisions, but only the company for entertainment. Bring out the game of charades and monopoly and get having fun late into the night, without worry of the temperature dropping or it being too dark to play!

You could even add a day buy, turn sofa with some comfy cushions to tuck yourself up on a cold day, or if its sunny then throw open the door, add a makeshift awning and enjoy an outside picnic. A summerhouse can be that extra bit of living space that we all crave, something that is all ours, without disturbance. Accessories for comfort, go for home like furnishing like curtains, rugs and cushions to bring the warmth to the room.

Most importantly make your shed multi-functional by creating a work and storage space that co-exist in beautiful harmony. Add inspirational touches with artwork and never forget to add fresh cut flowers to your desk (you are in the garden after all).