If to try to estimate all existing in the modern world of games of the consoles from the point of view of their practical work, and to look at them eyes of the user, instead of eyes of the expert – the designer we will receive the following description. It is the so-called review which doesn’t concern narrow technological processes occurring at device work, and estimates the device from the point of view of the player.
PS 3 move is a platform that feels the body movement of the operator in space. It is based on the portable manipulator of the operator of movement, PlayStation uses also chamber PlayStation to watch manipulator movement. Besides in the manipulator there are gages of its movement which inform the device on a place a manipulator finding in everyone instants of work.
Though working out PlayStation is constructed on existing PlayStation 3 panel, company Sony has declared that it considers this release as debut release of a new platform.
The given console looks mega smart, I do not know as at you, but the given device causes associations in us with Dart Veider – the space villain from Star wars. And you imagine, as it takes the joystick in hands and begins attack to the next unfortunate planet.
Prefix brain – processor Cell developed in common by companies Sony, Toshiba and IBM, 3,2 Ggts working on frequency.
The graphic processor carries name RSX and originates from architecture G70 developed NVIDIA for a ruler of cards GeForce 7. The video chip works on frequency of 550 MHz and has 256 MB of memory that allows to display two qualitative HDTV-streams simultaneously. The given prefix is the most productive among competitors.
There are simultaneously some models of the given console – Sony PlayStation3 (40 GB), Sony PlayStation 3 (60 GB, Bundle), Sony PlayStation 3 (20 GB) which differ basically with volume of a hard disk and have some distinctions in a configuration.
The sizes of this console are (325x98x274 mm) and weight (5 kg) given prefix much more, than at the previous. Rustles Sony PlayStation 3 approximately at level Sony PlayStation 2, but the aspiration of developers to clean all superfluous noise in the given model has led to that the device is strongly heated though it and isn’t so dangerous. Nevertheless, as I advise you don’t put this prefix in the small, closed niches, differently air can’t normally circulate, cooling the console that can lead to its considerable overheat.
In pluses of the given prefix, except all listed it is possible to write down huge multimedia possibilities of the given prefix, it is the original multimedia combine which is, by the way, the cheapest player Blue-Ray of disks that can serve as last argument in favor of acquisition of the given console.
Also plus is its huge potential – at such capacities developers can do much more graphically perfect systems, than what we have at the moment.
In minuses we will bring the greatest among considered devices cost, a small choice of additional accessories, the big dimensions, some annoying moments at work with a multimedia content.
PS 3 move