Prepare for Winter: How to Keep Your Home Comfortable During Cold Months

The winter will be here before you know it. Now is the time to prepare your home for the frigid weather. Here are a few tips to ensure your household remains comfortable during cold months.

Insulate Windows

Drafty windows can drive up your monthly energy bill and make it hard to keep your home warm during the cold months. While some homeowners may opt to install brand-new replacement windows or double-pane windows, this can be quite an expensive undertaking. Fortunately, most air leaks can be eliminated using simple solutions. A lot of homes that have been around for over 10 years tend to have leaks between the windows and the walls. This is usually caused by the home settling or by small tremors in the ground. These cracks, which may not even be visible, can let in a lot of air from the outside. By filling these cracks, you’ll get less cold air coming through your windows. For starters, you need to replace any old weather stripping along the sides of the window sashes. Meanwhile, gaps can be filled with caulk. Not only will your home feel more comfortable during the winter, but you can also look forward to reducing heating costs.

Invest in Thermal Drapes

Hanging thermal drapes over the windows will definitely help winterize your home. Frosty air will be less likely to seep indoors, thus creating a cozier atmosphere. Because these specialized drapes are constructed of up to four layers of material, they establish an extra buffer between the panes of glass and your home’s interior. For the best insulation performance, be sure to install the drapes as tightly as possible to the windows. Additionally, you can use multiple layers of drapes. One reason for this is that you can use lighter drapes during the day so you can still let light in while still maintaining some level of insulation. Then, at night, you can draw the heavier drapes over the windows. This adds two layers instead of just one layer, which, even though one layer is lighter, it’ll do more than if you only had the heavier drape layer.

Check the Roof

Before Old Man Winter comes to town, be sure to check your home’s roof. Even seemingly minor roof defects can allow ice and snow to leak through. Many issues can be prevented by nailing down any loose shingles. It’s just as important to clear out clogged gutters, which could cause a destructive ice dam. Simply removing old leaves and other debris can make a big difference. Furthermore, have any overhanging tree limbs trimmed back.

Replace Attic Insulation

To keep your home comfortable and warm during the winter, it is important to maintain proper attic insulation. This can be done by evaluating any existing layers of insulation and replacing any that are damaged or degraded. Additionally, you may also want to add additional layers if necessary, depending on the climate and type of insulation used in your home. Most insulation is made with glass fibers so it’s ideal to have an expert come in and take care of attic insulation for you. However, if you want to do it yourself, ensure that you use the proper safety gear such as facemasks and clothing that covers all of your skin.

Have Your HVAC System Inspected

According to the experts at Trane South, you should always have your home’s HVAC system inspected during the fall. This will help prevent an unexpected breakdown when colder weather arrives. There’s a good chance some routine maintenance needs to be done, including tightening electrical connections and lubricating moving parts. If the service technician discovers any worn components, the best approach is to have them replaced ahead of time.

Add Rugs and Blankets Around the House

To prepare your home for the coming winter, you may want to add rugs and blankets throughout your house. These soft textiles can help keep the room warm and cozy, protecting you from the cold and helping you save money on heating costs. Some effective ways to add rugs and blankets include placing them over tile and wood flooring. Tile and wood flooring doesn’t hold heat as well as carpet, which is why people tend to enjoy the warmth underfoot. There are many types of rugs you can use but typically, the more “fluff” there is, the warmer it’ll be.

Heavier Bedding

With winter right around the corner, staying warm and comfortable in your home is more important than ever. One effective way to do this is by investing in heavy bedding, such as thick blankets and flannel sheets. These textiles help trap heat inside the bed, keeping you cozy and warm on those cold nights. On a blustery winter night, nothing beats being able to nestle up in a warm bed. Insulated blankets will certainly help hold in the heat while you sleep.

While winter can be a beautiful season, no one wants to be stuck in a cold home. Making a few preparations before the thermometer begins to dip will help your household to remain comfortable. You deserve the extra peace of mind.