Latest Green Building Technology For Your First Home

As the world becomes more environmentally conscious, there is a push for the development and implementation of sustainable practices. Green building is a movement which focuses on ensuring that each property is functioning at its most efficient, and is making use of the available natural resources in a sustainable manner. Even if you aren’t building your house from scratch, there are still many ways in which you can implement the latest green building technology in your first home.
Your main aim when implementing green practices in your first home is to reduce or completely eliminate any negative impact on the environment. It will also provide you with a healthier and happier lifestyle. Here are several key ways in which you can use green technology in your first home.

Breathe Easy

Improving the quality of your indoor environment is one of the simplest and easiest ways to incorporate green technology into your existing home. Having plants inside the house improves air quality by reducing the airborne concentration of volatile organic compounds (VOC’s). Plants also release moisture into the air, and absorb heat and noise.
Green cleaning products have a number of benefits to the health of your indoor environment. Not only do they minimise health risks due to harmful chemicals, but by choosing reusable packaging, you reduce the amount of rubbish going to landfill.
Believe it or not, choosing green materials has a huge impact on the quality of the air you breathe every day in your home. From your kitchen cabinets to those stylish decorator cushions, many synthetic materials will release harmful VOC’s into your indoor atmosphere. Many building materials are the worst offenders, and it pays to check online to find quality wood and steel processing companies which will ensure your home is safe and green for many years to come.

Water Wise

Being a naturally dry continent, water is a precious resource in Australia. There are a number of easy ways that will not only save you hundreds on your bill, but will allow you to help the environment by implementing these simple green technologies in your home. Make sure everyone in the house is vigilant for leaking taps, and is aware of being water wise.
Installing a simple water filter on your kitchen sink eliminates the need for bottled water, which is a highly unsustainable practice. Another important device for sinks is a flow regulator. This simply aerates the water coming out of the tap so that you use less without even noticing. There are many water saving fixtures which are easy to use and install, and will ensure that your home is as green as possible.
Re-use your water. With the advancement in water treatment systems such as BioCycle, your grey and black water can be re-used for all of your gardening needs. In conjunction with a rainwater tank, you will greatly increase the green rating of your home, as well as reducing your water bill!

Be Energy Efficient

Make use of natural light as much as you can, and analyse the natural heating and cooling tendencies of your home. Efficiently designed lighting can cut anywhere from 40 – 80% of your power bill, so it pays to design this aspect of your house carefully.
Consider making the switch to Green Power, which is sustainably sourced from natural resources instead of relying on fossil fuels such as coal. Also make sure to turn all appliances off at the wall when finished, as this can reduce your energy usage by 15%. When buying electrical equipment and appliances, pay attention to the energy rating on the labels. Energy efficient items significantly contribute to your home being a truly green project.
If you are ready to take the step of greening your first home, and are looking for professional advice on how to build or renovate your home with green technology, consult the Green Star Accredited Professionals Directory. This will provide you with a list of engineers, architects, builders, designers and project managers which have proven their ability to implement effective green building practices. It’s time to go green!