What is so special about sending a good morning SMS to someone you’re falling for

Lets be honest a lot of us don’t want to get up in the morning, we would much rather stay in our beds and just relax, but there are some things that just give us that bit of by in the morning that make the rest of the day that little more enjoyable, for a lot of people its good morning sms messages.

There is just something rather lovely when you get a text from a friend or maybe a partner wishing you a good day to remind you that your important to someone.

Getting morning sms messages from friends is a great way to start the day, whether it be just wishing you good morning sms or if you have something important that day then simply wishing you good luck, it can give you that little bit of confidence and can really put a spring in your step. It doesn’t have to be anything too long, simply something like “morning mate, have a good day” can really put a smile on someone’s face and give them the boost that they’re no longer getting from their coffee.

It goes exactly the same from your partner, if you don’t live together or are for some reason away from each other its the perfect way to let your loved one know that your thinking about them and that you care.

Morning sms messages really are not hard to think of, “good morning :)” is very simple but it still says that you’ve thought of the person when you’ve gotten up and that you’ve taken the time to write them a quick message. “good luck” is just as simple but may give someone that extra bit of confidence they need if they have something important to do that day.

Of course there are certain things not to put in a morning sms message, for example void putting anything too clever are even sarcastic, remember that the person you are sending it too has only just woken up and their brain isn’t up to full power yet and they may not understand what you mean. Also try to be aware of their schedule, you don’t want to send it too early and end up waking them up, as lovely as a good morning sms message is, it definitely looses a little bit of its charm when it has woken you up and put you in a bad mood.
Basically the perfect morning sms messages are short and sweet, their aim is to remind the person that you are thinking about them and too put a smile on their face. You don’t have to be a genius to write a good morning sms, it can be as simple as just writing what your feeling. If you really need to write a morning message but cant think of anything to write then a quick google search can provide you with lots of possible messages, you just need to find the right one for the right occasion, after all its the though that counts. I’m sure that you love receiving them so why not give something back and send one once in a while.