What Is Cybercrime?

The definition of cybercrime is quite simple, that is any illegal activity that is performed through the Internet or other modern communications means. There are different types of cybercrimes. They can be directed on a vast network of computers and devices, such as denial of service attacks, computer viruses and malware. Cybercrimes could also be aimed towards individuals, through hacking, email scams, phishing, stalking, identity theft and others. Cybercrime is often considered as a white collar crime and targets can be anyone who uses the Internet. If security measures fail, personal or government secrets are often compromised. Extremists, terrorists, deviants or simply anyone with financial desires stand higher chance of employing cybercrime techniques.

As virtually billions of people have been connected to Internet through mobile devices and standard computing devices, it is imperative to have a higher secure network. The Internet is known for its anonymous nature, making it a perfect breeding ground for digital criminals. Many countries have introduced cybercrime laws to curb these illegal online activities; but the amount of punishment is often lower than the one for standard criminal cases, Legal infrastructure for dealing with cybercrime is still growing and a powerful regulatory mechanism is needed to protect the citizens. Hacking is a common type of cybercrime and it can be found worldwide.

Hacking is an intention to knowingly cause wrongful damage and losses to any person or the public by altering or destroying any information. It could also be used manipulate existing computer infrastructure to change its behaviors and original purposes. Hackers are people with excellent technical skills who can crack into any computer system. Hackers could do it just for fun or for any kind of pastime. Basically, the main aim of hacking is to alter data or manipulate a system. There are legal attempts that we can use minimize the overall effects of hacking. The government and related officials could curb any high risk threat to the society. Simple methods, such as using strong passwords are often enough to deter hackers.

Important details, such as passwords and account user names shouldn’t be stored in places where access could be achieved. Cyberspace is essential an open network and there should be proper safety measures to safeguard important data. Unidentified email with suspicious attachment may never be opened. Credit cards should be used wisely or sparingly online. Websites with poor security mechanisms are at higher risks and it is inadvisable to use credit cards or other similar payment methods on such websites. Passwords should be changed constantly and attorneys should always be ready to deal with any breach of data allegation.