Tips From Experienced Painters That Will Help You Change The Look Of The House

Painting the interior walls is one of the easiest and most rewarding DIY tasks. By painting you can completely transform your interior, giving it your own stamp. Using a roller and brush is very simple, and ideas are all around you. A painting should not turn into a stressful situation, listen to the advice of experienced painters, create a good plan and start. Go to renaissancepainters for more.

The Larger the Sample the better the Sample

Do not expect that the sample size of a fingernail will help you visualize how a particular color will look great on your wall. It would be best to use a larger pattern that is at least 0.25 square meters.

Choose Quality

Does it pay off to invest in a quality painting? Of course. Cheaper color looks good while it is still wet, but not when dry. Then you have to switch to another color and another one… and you will spend a lot of money. Also, new paint dries quickly, some even for 30 minutes.

How much Paint you need

Before you go shopping, measure the room. To calculate how much paint you will need, you should use the following formula. For the surface of the walls: Multiply the length and height of the longest wall and all of that multiply by four. Double check if you want to paint the walls twice. Do not forget the ceiling. The standard rule s that about four liters of paint covers 37 square meters of the wall.


To begin cover the floors with thick nylon. The new colors are more concentrated and hard to remove, so protect the floors in time. Before painting you need to clean the walls, especially in the kitchen, where there are stains from grease and food. If you do not clean the stain. On the dirtier areas, use degreasing agent.

Then rinse off with water. If the walls have less cracks and bumps, good for you. If you do not have a sticky cloth, wrap adhesive tape around some handles. It is advisable to wipe the walls with adhesive or a lint-free cloth.

Walls of Old Houses

The walls of old houses are rarely painted in one color. Therefore, it is important to apply the color from different directions, and in the first phase vertically and then at an angle of 45 degrees upward and downward.


If moving a larger area, ideal roller is 35 and even 45 inches as it retains plenty of liquids, so you can quickly paint over a larger area. For the area around doors and windows there is a great roll of 23 centimeters.

Start from the Corners

Experienced painters job starts by first dipping in corners and edges, then smear the wall while the paint is still wet in the corners. The best effect is achieved when two people work together – one person on the edges and corners, and the other – wall.