Tips For Buying Plants

The plants have always been part of the field of decorating a home. It is difficult to take advantage of a decorative item when we have no idea of what we want, what we find, in the alternative, of care needs .

One of the most important factors when hiring plants to decorate our home, is the health of these plants. Often the plants sick, are infested with parasites, have mushrooms … and buy a plant in a poor state of health is something that can occur frequently if we do not know how to determine the difference between a plant healthy and diseased.

Most indoor plants are usually tropical plants because they are used to grow in the shade, and at constant temperatures around 23-24 ° C plants.

Buy houseplants is a good activity, here are some secrets to help you choose the most suitable.

  1. Always Buy or specialty stores in places like nurseries where staff is knowledgeable about plants and can advise you properly.
  2. Select species that are adapted to the conditions of your home, space, light, humidity and ambient temperature.
  3. Before choosing any type of plant foliage checks the size is proportionate to the pot.
  4. Check the state of the leaves on both sides and shows that they do not have stains or are yellowish.
  5. It is better to buy smaller than large, so you’ll see them grow plants. Choose compact and abundant buds to adapt to new conditions copies.
  6. It is recommended to buy plants in which the buds have not open. It’s nice to see how they open at home.
  7. Note that the roots are firmly clinging to the earth and not poke through the drainage holes of the pot. This means it is a plant that has grown too much and should not acquire it because in that case would have to transplant more quickly.
  8. Do not choose plants that show mold or algae on the surface of the pot. It is important that they are healthy, that they die within a few days. It is also important to avoid sudden temperature changes during transportation from the store to your home.
  9. The stems should be strong and healthy. Look at the overall shape of the plant and the stem, it must be strong and well trained.
  10. You must look for signs of shock or cracks. If so, do not buy the plant. Finally, the roots of a plant, usually cannot be checked. But if you look at the bottom of the pot, and the roots have spread out of the holes in the base.