Some Rights That You Should Know Of While Applying For Work Injury Compensation

Workers who handle heavy machines are more prone to getting injured during the working hours. Sometimes, the injury might even end up with decapitation of an arm or finger. When you experience such unexpected injuries during working hours, then you must be well aware about how to proceed further and avail the compensation from your company.

Before knowing about work-related injury compensation and their benefits, you should know some things such as how it works, when is the right time to apply for the compensation, etc. Here are some answers for such queries.

Time Duration within which you can apply for Worker’s Compensation

When you are injured in your work area, the first thing to do is inform your employer about the incident. Once you notice them, the next thing to do is file a complaint by providing detailed information about the injury.

The time duration within which you can apply for worker’s compensation for the injury caused while working will be around 30 days. The 30 days duration will start from the day when you notice the injury, suffer from temporary disability or even take sick leave because of the need for medical attention due to injury.

Make sure that you inform about the incident to your union representative or the person, who is either similar to or next in the line of authority. Once you do so, you will need to fill the respective workers’ complaint form, which will be devised based on the workers law of that particular state. The form will also work as the application for insurance claim, which every company provides for their workers. You will need to file this within a year from the date of injury.

Benefits Associated with the Worker’s Compensation

Once you file the complaint regarding your injury, you will automatically become eligible to claim some wonderful benefits such as,

If the death of your dear one happens, when working, then their spouse and children will become eligible for the claim of insurance payments. If the victim was still single, then their dependants such as parents or siblings will become the eligible people.

If your injury is severe, then the employer will become automatically responsible for taking care of your medical bills, till you are completely recovered. They will also become responsible to take care of your doctor visits, medicines, tests, purchasing of required medical equipment, etc.

The rights of injured workers involve taking care of wages that you lose, when you are on your injury leave. The severity of the injury might also restrict you from following your regular working schedule, but it will be compensated from this option.

Designating Your Own Doctor

When you suffer from work injury, then you might wish to choose your own medical consultant. If you wish to do so, then make sure to submit a form in order to let your employer know that you are interested in getting treated from your family doctor or primary physician. The right to pre-designate your physician comes with your employee rights. Hence, avail as much information as possible, before proceeding with injury compensation procedures.