Safe Smoking with the Electronic Cigarette

There are some things in life which we simply cannot give up on, and one of them is smoking. As luck has it, it seems that a new incredible technology has appeared, an alternative to regular smoking, the e-cig! Electronic cigarettes are devices which work on batteries. The battery makes a thing called „atomizer” or „cartomizer” work. The cartomizer transforms the e-liquid in the cartridge in healthy, pleasant vapor which may or may not include a doze of nicotine. Now that you know a little about how it works, let’s see why it is healthy and safe.

Keep in mind, that with all its beneficial effects, the electronic cigarette is not 100% healthy. Yes, it is probably the best alternative to smoking, but this doesn’t mean that it doesn’t also have negative effects on the human body. However, we believe that becoming a vaper can be a good experience.