Preparing Your Home Ready For Sale

It is said to be one of the most stressful times in a person’s life, but if you are looking to move to a property with more room, are ready to downsize now that the kids have moved out, or even if you are uprooting in order to further your career, it is important that you get the greatest possible price when selling your property. From curb appeal to helping potential buyers envisage a life in your home, there are many techniques, tricks, and tips that are offered as a means to help ensure that you can achieve the best sale price.

However, before you consider knocking walls through, renting furniture for empty rooms, and paying for a landscaping service to improve the look of the exterior of your home, you should first consider a few minor changes. Covering up flaky paint, making repairs to door frames, and painting over the garish pink wallpaper could be enough to attract a handful of interested buyers, and this increased competition could see you achieve a much better sale price.

Quick and Simple Repairs

Consider making any quick and simple repairs that are needed. Many of us have little jobs that we haven’t got around to, or that we don’t know how to tackle, and putting your property up for sale represents the ideal opportunity to make those changes. If you are unable to make the repairs yourself, or you would rather have a professional tackle them, then a reliable handyman can approach each of the repair jobs on your list in order to ensure that your home is ready for all potential viewers.

Wall Colors

Neutral colors are, in most cases, the best color choice when selling a property. While it is relatively easy for a new buyer to redecorate, some will struggle to see the potential in a room if it is painted in bright colors or in colors that are too dark. You don’t have to spend a fortune to have professional design and the latest decorative trends, but you can consider having some of the more personalised rooms toned down so that they offer a neutral look.

Exterior Woodwork, Garden

Don’t forget the exterior of the property when you are looking to sell your home. Again, you don’t have to make major changes, but you should, at the very least, ensure that the front of the property is tidy and that there aren’t any obvious problems. A handyman can make general repairs to guttering, can paint the exterior woodwork, and can tidy the garden up to help improve curb appeal. When potential viewers drive past, and when they first approach the property, they won’t be put off by piles of rubbish, window frames hanging off the wall, and an overgrown garden.


In most cases, small changes and repairs are all that’s needed when it comes time to sell your home. Changes to the exterior help encourage more people through the door, while improvements inside the home will help to convert viewers into interested buyers.

If you are looking to sell your property and want to ensure that you get the best price possible, Lancashire Handyman can come to your home, make repairs, and help to improve the curb appeal and the look of your property to help achieve the best price possible.