Increase Your Property Value and Prepare It For Sale

We all love our houses, but there comes a time when, for a number of reasons, we have to say “Goodbye” and part our ways. Making this transition even more frustrating is the fact that you have to find a way to quickly increase the value of your house, in order to make your new start worthwhile. Still, as frustrating and seemingly uncalled-for, restoring your house to its previous glory is not nearly as hard as it looks on the first glance. As a matter of fact it can easily be pulled off within a month. All you have to do is put yourself into buyers’ perspective. After all, selling your property at a good price is exactly what you want, isn’t it?

De-Clutter the House

If your house is, by any chance, filled with “stuff” it will look bad regardless of its current state. Of course, you do not want to rid your house of any kind of personality, which buyers may find very appealing, but you should not attack them with your personal belongings, either. So, do your best to identify all the old furniture, clothes, and decoration that would potentially ruin the look you are trying to promote, or simply look bad. If you sell them on a garage sale, you can even earn some money to finance further projects.

Make More Room

Out of two houses with the identical number of square meters, buyers will always opt for the one that looks more spacious. To achieve that impression, knock down all the non-structural walls, and internal obstacles like kitchen islands. Giving your buyers more space and the sense of free flow is much better than imposing them your own vision of the house they should, at some point, live in.

Refresh the Bathroom

Although it is usually overlooked in our grand renovation plans, bathroom is one of the most frequently visited rooms in a house. Experienced property buyers in Sydney will pay a very close attention to its current state and functionality. Do your best to increase its value with fast and cheap upgrades. Check the plumbing system, and replace all the worn out fixtures, but do not forget that wood is the most vulnerable to moisture, so your wooden cabinets will probably need some refreshing too.

Make Sure You Have a Functional Kitchen

Kitchen is widely considered to be the heart of a home. More functional and larger it is better the price you will be able to put on it will be. We already mentioned how to make more room. As for the rest, you should, just as you did in your bathroom, replace all the worn out fixtures with the new ones, and look for the wall cracks that could potentially ruin the whole experience. There is no need to replace all the cabinets (refacing them will be more than enough), but in that case use the money you saved to make a big splash with the new countertop.

Let There Be Light”

You would be surprised just how different your house can look after some simple upgrade changing the lighting most definitely is. For the start, make sure all the antique and clunky pieces are gone. Replace them with something that will provide enough light while disappearing into the background. Also, you should be aware that modern buyers are looking for sustainable solutions. If you install eco-friendly lighting, and complement it with sun tubes (light pipes) which are becoming increasingly popular these days, you will make a very good impression on potential buyers.

All of these upgrades can be easily completed within a month, but if you have all the things in place and you are skilled enough, you should expect the works not to last more than a week. Your efforts will, however, be rewarded with a hefty price that will make your new beginning a more pleasant one.