HVAC For Beginners: Reasons to Prepare For All Seasons

HVAC units are always going to be popular because of how convenient and easy they are to install. Nearly any homeowner can buy and install their own window unit within a couple of hours. Window units are sold at all types of stores, and they are very easy to install. They might be heavy, but they can usually be installed on any vertical sliding window quite easily. If you do decide to invest in window AC units, they still need a little bit of maintenance depending on the season.

Keeping your HVAC system in good working order is vital throughout the year as the weather changes. If you plan to use your HVAC system during the scorching summer months, you’ll have to adjust it. You’ll need to do the same thing when winter arrives and things start getting cold! Follow these tips to ensure your HVAC system is ready for all seasons!

Check Your HVAC System, Inside and Out

Checking your HVAC system from the inside out is essential to getting it ready for all seasons. All parts should be in good working order, and there should not be any leaks, breaks, or worn parts. Before the weather changes, make sure you fix any problems you find.

When you are entirely new to HVAC repair, you should consider hiring a professional to do the work. This way, you know everything gets fixed the right way, and everything is working the way it should. This inspection will make your HVAC system ready for whatever weather comes its way.

A qualified HVAC technician will inspect your system to ensure there are no leaks or damage. Taking this step in advance will allow you to determine if any parts need to be repaired or replaced before the warm summer months arrive. Keep in mind that ignoring HVAC problems might lead to more expensive repairs in the future due to their deterioration.

Clean the Evaporator Coils

Before you put it in storage, you should clean the most vital components to make sure that it will be ready and fully efficient when the next summer comes around. Both of these jobs are much easier if you do them after the window unit is uninstalled from your window. When it is on the floor, it’ll be very easy to clean the unit.

The only product you need to buy for this job is some coil cleaning solution and a coil brush. Evaporator coils are the metal features on the backside of the unit. Because there is often moisture on the evaporator coils, and there are thin spaces between the metal coil ridges, they can get very dirty. You need to use a special coil cleaning brush that allows you to get in between these narrow gaps.

First, you start by spraying the cleaning solution onto the coils. The solution will usually foam up. Follow the instructions on the can for absorption times. Once you’ve waited a certain amount of time, you use a coil cleaning brush to scrub away the foam and dirt. You just need to be very certain that you scrub with the grain of the coils. If you scrub against it, you can flatten the coils and close the gaps between the ridges. You can finish the job by spraying out the coils with water. This washes away all the excess soap and dirt that was dislodged.

Replace Air Filters

The only other thing you should do before putting your unit in storage for the winter is to replace the air filter. The filter is in the front of the unit, and it can be replaced without any tools. You might also want to clean out the empty filter compartment of any loose dust or dirt.

Professionals like Norman Aire Services recommend changing the air filters, something almost all homeowners forget to do. Every few months, clean and replace the air filters. Inefficient HVAC systems, damaged components, and breakdowns can result from dirty filters. During the warm weather, be sure to replace your air filters if you haven’t done so during the chilly winter months. Then you want to replace the filters once in the spring and again in the fall. Keep in mind that if you use your HVAC system a lot, then you will want to change those filters even more frequently.

Yearly Inspections

Annual inspection and maintenance of your HVAC system are recommended. When your HVAC system is being inspected, your technician will check it for damage or malfunctions. During this yearly inspection, he can also check for air leaks on the unit. This maintenance will prevent the loss of heat during your winter usage. You can also save money on your energy bills by having your HVAC technician check the efficiency of your system and component condition.

Check to See if the HVAC Is Sized Properly

You won’t be able to cope with the heat this summer if you don’t have enough BTUs in your air conditioner. Different regions of the country have varying requirements for BTU levels, so you should consult with an HVAC professional to get your HVAC system tested and determine if its size meets your needs.

Run the HVAC System Regularly

Throughout the year, the HVAC system in your home or business runs constantly. But when you move out or decide to turn the system off for a long time, the HVAC system efficiency can be compromised. Make sure you turn the system on at least once a month so it can continue to run efficiently.