How To Instill Good Habits In Your Child

Teaching them while they’re Young 

A child’s habits go a long way in laying the foundation of his or her personality. Hence, it is important to instill good habits in our children. After all, the tiny tots of today are going to be the pillars of the society tomorrow. Children begin to observe things keenly by the time they turn three, making it necessary to teach them good habits at the right time. The question is – how do we provide a functional, level learning field for our kids today?

Learning through Observation

It is true that the environment in which children grow up affects their development since they are prone to learn more through observing their elders and family members than formal methods. For this reason, it is important for parents and other family members to model good behavior in front of the young ones. The elders in the family need to practice habits that they want the kids to inculcate.

Habits that matter 

Children must be taught the importance of forming routine habits like brushing their teeth regularly, practicing hygiene, trimming their nails, bathing properly, dressing neatly and generally being aware of what constitutes good order and discipline. Once again, the best method of achieving good results here is to lead by example. Children will do exactly what they see their elders at home do, so avoid setting a bad example.


It is common for children to throw tantrums in an attempt to have things their way. While as parents it is not wrong to have a soft corner for our children, but at the same time, it is equally important to teach them to follow basic rules and regulations at home. This will help in an easy transition from home to more challenging environments like schools, playgrounds etc.

Respect for the Environment 

Sensitizing the children towards the environment and teaching them about its importance is also as critical as the other habits that they must learn. Love and respect for nature, animals, birds, trees, plants and in general everything that adds up to make the external environment must be encouraged. Keeping their personal things in order, tidying up their rooms and maintaining clean surroundings is only a part of the larger picture.

Doing it the Beehive way 

At Beehive, teachers and staff are fully aware of the fact that children can be taught best while they are still young and have minds that are flexible enough to be moulded the right way. Thus, children enjoy an environment that fosters a balanced growth and development through techniques that are interactive. The carefully designed curriculum focuses on helping the children develop the necessary skills that they would require in future. These skills not only help them be better prepared for regular school but also lay a strong foundation for their future.