How New Technology is Helping to Make Africa a Healthier Region

It’s no secret that we currently inhabit an era in which technological and medical advantages are more readily accessible than ever before. People are living longer and healthier lives and the availability of medical treatment is considerably greater than only a handful of decades ago. This is particularly notable throughout parts of the developing world, perhaps most visible in Africa.

New Advancements

Due to the wealth of natural resources the continent boasts, there has been a great deal of capital influx from foreign companies. In turn, this money has allowed many medical institutions to acquire advanced technologies such as MRI scanners and robotic devices that give surgeons the ability to remotely perform procedures with a level of accuracy and safety that would have been all but impossible in the past. This allows for a greater range of treatment options, as well as giving the average African access to a superior quality of healthcare.

For example, MRI machines use the power of magnetism to paint a real-time, three dimensional picture of the internal structures within the human body. These devices can quickly and safely diagnose a number of conditions ranging from different types of cancer to acute head trauma and spinal injuries. Likewise, robotic surgery allows skilled technicians to treat these and other ailments with minimally invasive procedures and a greater degree of accuracy. Perhaps more importantly, a surgeon can operate these machines from a distance using the power of the internet. Therefore, Africans are able to acquire a high level of expertise without needing to travel great distances. Even more importantly, recovery and survival rates from conditions that may have been considered terminal have likewise massively increased.

How these Changes are Possible

While these forward strides have been all but instrumental in the quality of life for Africans, it should be noted that a large portion of the funding for these projects comes from private corporations that consider regional advancement absolutely essential. You may have even heard of some of these private companies; one example of which is Deux Projects Ltd. This enterprise has spearheaded many developmental projects in Nigeria with a specific interest in the medical industry.
With guidance from CEO Olatunji Kayode Olowolafe, Deux Projects International has provided many regions in Nigeria with superior levels of diagnostic devices and treatment procedures. They have been instrumental for a number of years in improving the quality of medical care, as well as outfitting facilities with such technologies as the MRI scanners and robotic surgical equipment previously mentioned. In fact, companies such as these provide some of the most important driving forces behind the continent’s medical advancements.
Indeed, such progress is essential in a region that has seen a vast increase in urban renewal projects, as well as a large influx of foreign investment. As populations continue to grow, so too will the need for quality and affordable healthcare across Africa. By improving existing infrastructure and offering a higher standard of medical treatment, the overall quality of life for the citizens themselves has been and will continue to be dramatically improved in the years to follow. You should expect such rapid technological progress to gain pace in the future, and in no small part due to the efforts of private organisations such as Deux Projects International.
Written by: Nnamdi’s day job as a lawyer means that he is involved on a daily basis with international development projects. He is passionate about the improvements to people’s lives that can come through improvements in national infrastructure in Africa, particularly in improving the delivery of health services, Nnamdi closely follows the work of Olatunji Kayode Olowolafe CEO of Deux Project Ltd focusing on the long term gains in economic development that comes with improved healthcare standards and the infrastructure developments needed.