How Can A Social Media Marketing Firm Add Value To Their SVM Strategy

Today, businesses seem to have getting a better understanding of how important social videos can be for virtual business promotion. Ever increasing popularity of SVM (Social Video Marketing) is much of a testimony to it. Let us just have a basic idea of what SVM actually is.

Social Video Marketing

SVM involves usage of diverse tools and technologies in initiating and supporting social activities around a video, and for businesses this means using them for pure business purposes. It entails social video marketers to create, distribute, and share video content (developed for business purposes in this case) through various tools like popular social networks, blogs, and other relevant support communities.

3 Cs of SVM – Content, Conversation, and Community

Success of SVM lies in realization from businesses that this idea relishes on active involvement of consumers, compelling businesses to deem consumers equally involved in brand recognition and promotion by mutual sharing of content and ideas, leading towards formation and sustenance of a whole community. In essence, it comes to 3 Cs that contribute to the success and efficacy of SVM, i.e. Content, Conversations, and Community.

What Social Media Marketing Services need to realize in creating best SVM strategy?

Any social media marketing firm that wants to get best results from their SVM strategy needs to consider the following recommendations, or they might not be able to serve their clients with the best of responses from masses:

1                  For Real People –  A successful social video campaign for business promotion purposes better involve real people ready to share their inspirational stories in association to a brand, rather than profiled celebrities doing the same exercise without any emotional attachment with the brand.

2             Unlike conventional Ads – Popularity and efficacy of a social video would be definitely compromised if it appears to people as an ad meant to sell something, no matter how well conceived and executed the idea may be. Instead, social media marketing services should focus on creating videos that evoke a sense of relationship buildings, as a result of which consumers feel buying that product/service quite natural to them rather than being forced to do so.

3              Talking “about” people rather than Talking “at” them – Unless a video is meant to engage with people directly, stripping off any type of corporate (or other) barriers, aimed at talking with people rather than talking about them; success is hard to come through it as desired.

4              Make it a matter of mutual Involvement and Concern – Unlike yesteryears of online marketing, content developed under the banner of SVM should not be used merely for website link building purposes; it should serve as a conduit expressing to your consumers that you want, encourage, and value their engagement. The more you make it a concern of mutual involvement, the better you would get the results.

5              Communal Approach – Present day concept of social media is simply insignificant if it is devoid of communal interests rather than the personal ones. Same is the case with content developed for SVM purposes. It needs to be community oriented or it is bound to lose its value significantly.


Online marketers need to respond and engage according to the changing dynamics of social media if they intend to stay longer and stronger in this highly competitive industry. Make sure you are up to the contemporary requisites of SVM for your benefits and benefits of your clients.