How and Where To Get Free eBooks Online

Print media is fighting to survive, but reading is thriving. Where are all the books migrating to? Well, right here on the Internet. The popularity of paperbacks has declined steadily for some good reasons. Convenience is the key. With any kind of eBook reader, you can carry thousands of books with you wherever you go. You can read without the pains of eyestrain because you can set your brightness and contrast to whatever levels you want on your reader. You can read wherever you are, right off your device. You have the comfort of switching between this book and that at any time in any place because you are not limited to only one paper back as you travel. Comic books, magazines, newspapers, journals, novels and anything you want to read, you are guaranteed to find online. Here is where you ask how.

First you need a device, such as the one you are reading this article on will do. Tablets and phones on any OS platform support many free eBook reader apps downloadable from their respective app stores. Simply search for and download one, install it and take the next step, which is to find the books.

There are many sites online that offer free eBooks. A quick search on any popular search engine will reveal a huge wealth of books to download to your device. EPUB, PDF, TXT, RTF and MOBI formats will be supported by your eBook reader and search results will reveal books in any of these formats.

Here you find two types of websites that offer free eBooks. There are those that provide free eBooks without a subscription or even a one-time fee. There are those that offer eBooks at a one-time fee or a subscription, often yearly or monthly with easy to understand payment options.

While you are naturally inclined to go for the completely free eBooks without a one-time fee or subscription, remember you are on the Internet and malware abounds. It is quite possible to download a virus or worm disguised in pdf format that once opened renders your device useless or steals your private information. Also, you may find the free sites do not have as large a wealth of books as the other sites.

What is best would be to pay a one-time fee to access the huge database of a website with free, guaranteed eBooks of high quality and without malware. What these sites do is offer people with an eBook writing service; a platform to get their work out and earn money, while giving millions of reader’s access to them for a paltry sum. This is the age of light-speed communication. The quality of content gets better, and access to material and pay becomes much easier with readers and writers from around the globe getting access to each other on such a site.

Here are two important things to note before jumping into the free online eBook market.

Download from reputable sites

As mentioned before, only the best sites will have all the books you want. A good site can learn your reading habits and patterns, recommending books you would enjoy and providing the quality you deserve. Formats they choose to upload in is also something worth noting, as some text and graphics may not be as well displayed in most formats. PDF remains the most reliable and is supported by most eBook readers and used by any eBook writing service.

Read book reviews

This is true for any form of reading. To know what the book is all about and decide whether you would enjoy it, read reviews from fellow readers and from critics. Get a summary of the story and opinions to prevent you from wasting your time. Quality is important even for free eBooks.
