How Adrenaline Junkies Have Fun

If you have a desire for excitement and the need to feel the rush of speed, normal sports or activities will not be enough to satisfy your demands! There are so many ways to push your body to the limits for example taking part in sporting activities such as triathlons and marathons. Inspiration need not run dry with a world of adventure as wide as your imagination available to take you out of your comfort zone.


Mountaineering is one of the oldest sports in existence and is not for the faint hearted! If you get vertigo or if you are afraid of heights then this is not the sport for you. You can climb all over the world, over many different terrains, rock, ice or snow and just when you think you’ve achieved your most daring climb, there’s always another summit to conquer – think of Everest and K2!

Ultramarathon Racing

So you’ve run the marathon in Sydney, London and New York – what next? One might not be enough so you might want to try the ultramarathon scene. Becoming more and more popular, races must be over 26.2 miles to qualify and they can take place over rough terrain, mountain trails and the desert. Naturally international endurance athletes are attracted to this sport which can take place all over the world with events varying in length from just over 26 miles to hundreds of miles. Only the very fit should apply!


One of the most popular water sports in the world, surfing can be simple to start. Get a surfboard, some basic lessons and hit the sea! From short boarding to long boarding there are many different types to try. The sport gets exciting when you get experienced enough to try the larger waves but gigantic 60 foot waves should be left to the experts.


Skydiving is one of the most accessible and popular adrenaline sports that people will initially try. So if you want to dip your toe in the water of extreme sports to see if you really are ready to step outside your comfort zone, this is the one for you. All you need to do is find a company, sign up and tandem jump with an instructor. So if you live in Cambridge or are looking for a North London Skydiving company, wherever you are in the UK or the world for that matter, you will find an organisation near you who support you through your first jump. And if you get the jumping bug and want to get more serious then you can do a course and become qualified to do solo jumps. Skydiving is also the fastest route to becoming a BASE jumper though being one of the most dangerous sports in the world, this is only for the brave, dare devils amongst you.

Rock Climbing

Like mountaineering, rock climbing is an old sport as human beings have been climbing things since the beginning of time. The difference being, we now do it for fun rather than necessity! This sport can be learnt and practised at indoor centres before you actually hit the rock face so you can make your climb as difficult as possible. With your fingers and toes precariously balanced, inching up a sheer rock face can be the perfect challenge for those seeking the ultimate adrenaline rush. In general, climbers use gear to protect themselves from danger, this is called free climbing though there are some that prefer traditional climbing where there are no fixed bolts, you fix your gear and clip yourself in as you climb up. Now that may sound dangerous but not as scary as free solo climbing where a single person climbs without the use of any rope or protection system. The most famous free solo climber in the world is Alex Honnold who has been climbing full time since the age of 19. He has broken a number of speed records and was awarded the Golden Piton in 2010 for his climbing achievements.