Here Goes The Apple Tablet: Apple iPad Air 4

When it comes to Apple devices, there is generally this smile in our hearts J After all, it is indeed an all time favorite of everybody! Talking about specs and other such details of devices by this company is always bliss!

So here I am, with another set of features and specs for the iPad Air 4! Well, yes, we talk about not just now, but also the future, so here it is!

PROCESSOR! The iPad Air 2 had an 8X processor, and was super fast! So we can approximate the iPad Air 4 to have something as a 12X processor. Woho! And a 4 GB of RAM it will be! Has to be; for matching up to the processing speed and not causing the iPad to hang!

CAMERA! Now that seems to be one of the most lavish features of all Apple products. If I ask somebody how many megapixels your camera has, he/she wouldn’t even know! All they care about is it iss an Apple! For the iPad Air 4 we can expect a front camera of at least 20 MP with an LED flash!

SCREEN SIZE AND DISPLAY! Well, with each version, the size is bound to increase, if not too much even just half an inch. Display for the iPad Air 4 is likely to be super Amoled 4K display or an HD one! Apple does provide to us with an amazing display quality, and with this we can expect no better! Apple has always been the best when it is about display!

BATTERY! Well, with such features, we can definitely expect an improve battery life. The problem is huge with the iPhones too, and it has been no better with tabs! However, this time we do think Apple will give the battery life of the devices a though, and make sure it is not such a huge issue anymore!

With such features, we can expect no mercy on the pricing. Though the iPad Air 4 is a really long wait, may be up to 2017, but then may be students and the strugglers who wish to have this could start saving up!

IPads aren’t mere tablets, they are among the best. It could be priced anything up to 80k or may be above! Who knows what the company will come up with!

These are anyways mere assumptions, so we really cannot be too confirmed of these. However, what we can be confirmed is that the iPad Air 4 will surely be one amazing device by the company and break all records as well! Thinking to compare them with the Note 6 now?

So, here we begin with the wait for what is new that we can see in the form of the iPad Air 4! We surely will see the best, or even better than just that! Apple has never failed to amaze us, and this time we expect nothing less either!

Until there is news from Apple on iPad Air 3 first, let the wait begin!