Green Renovation Checklist

When renovating your home into an environmentally friendly place to live there are certain factors to look at. One of the first checks to do is to look at is the building. Repair any cracks that may appear in the walls. Gaps or cracks need to be fixed to prevent rain getting inside as well as heat escaping. Check the roof first as this is the first place that the heat will escape. You don’t want to be heating the outside after all. Spending on any repair, or even a new replacement roof that has proper insulation will make a big difference in keeping the place warm and lowering energy bills. Check chimneys and make sure they are in good working order, and are cleaned regularly. You should also check are your carpets and windows effectively cleaned and if not you can always call professionals to do the job for you.

Look at the efficiency of the building and if you aren’t sure hire a surveyor to recommend methods of making your home more insulated. It can be worth spending on improving the building as it will help reduce the energy you use to heat your home. New solutions to renovate older homes are available to make them more effective and greener. New insulating methods can help make your old home like new so it is worth considering renovating.

Older house may be less efficient then newly built constructions that have legal requirements to follow in preserving the environment. When buying do your home work and decide which one suits your lifestyle, having a place that is already renovated in a greener state can be an advantage.

New materials that are used now are excellent and long lasting and mean that it takes a lot less to heat the inside than an older property. They are built with new products to conserve energy, but if you can repair and patch up where possible. Ensure you have everything in good working order. Check for draught from windows and doors, and repair and fill. Draught excluders can be easy to fit and help stop draught. If your windows need replacing source eco friendly versions that will last and keep your home dry, warm and sound proof. Keep on top of leaks and check all electrical appliances on a regular basis to make sure they are working effectively.

If you are building a house from scratch investigate the new eco friendly methods of building and materials that are available on the market. Do your research and find out what is the best way to renovate in the most eco friendly manner. There is a lot of choice to help keep now as everyone is aware of preserving the planet for the future generations. Employ the experts who can advice on the latest trends in environmentally friendly products. It is essential now that most industries use cleaner methods of constructing so hiring the professionals will help make your home a greener place to reside. Quality materials that may be costly are certainly worth investing in when building a new home. They last for years so you don’t have to keep up with maintenance. New types of bricks and building materials that may be recycled are great sources to use.

Use reclaimed wood where you can as a good way of saving the environment. Inside and outside there are many ways of using reused materials to give a nice effect, look at using eco friendly paints, varnishes and stains to revamp furniture. Choose materials that are sustainable, though they can be more expensive are worth it in the long term. It is also a good idea to buy local to save on transportation costs, and also reduce carbon emissions.