Get Fit and Stay Fit

We all know that getting fit and staying fit are two very different things. Some may say it’s easy to get fit and lose weight for a reason, that holiday in the sun, a wedding or special occasion, or a competitive sporting event perhaps? So what happens when the event comes and goes? How do you keep up your fitness regime and stay fit for life? It’s all too easy to let work take over, to start eating the wrong foods and to let our gym membership card gather dust. So how did we do it before? Well, there was the motivation of looking our best or training for a particular occasion so what we need to do is to continue to motivate ourselves but in a different way. If we choose an activity we all love to do then there would be no reason not to continue, right? You have to get creative, to make it easy to fit exercise into your life, then there is no excuse not to!

Joining in with the Children

We all want to be a good example to our children and trying to keep them active instead sitting at a screen can be increasingly hard to do. Trying to instil good habits when they are young will pay off throughout their lives and keeping active is no exception. Once you have enjoyed sports, fitness and exercise at a young age, chances are you will always find time to fit it in as an adult. So why not have a family cycling adventure and head off to a nice spot for a picnic and a ball game? Also, don’t forget the fun you had in the pool on holiday so try to continue swimming when you return. Encouraging group activities means that exercise and keeping fit can give you that valued, quality family time.

Walking the Dog

There is no doubt about the fact that dogs are good for our health in many ways, from raising our spirits to keeping our stress levels to a minimum. They are also good for our fitness levels. Walking the dog once or twice a day can be a valuable source of exercise. Whilst we all can forget or find a suitable excuse not to go to the gym, the dog will always need their walk and will go to some lengths to remind you it’s time for walkies! Why not up the ante and power walk with your pooch or better still, start jogging alongside them. If you don’t want to run with them on a lead and don’t want to worry about losing them when they are off lead, then you should consider using a pet GPS tracker to put your mind at rest. They attach to your dog’s collar and their location can be viewed via an app on you mobile phone. Some of these apps also allow you to set up groups and you have the ability to message your friends within the group. As long as they’ve got the app, you will be able to see their location on your phone and meet up with them when you are taking your daily exercise with the dog.

What Sports did you Love at School?

It’s not rocket science that if you choose an activity you love then you will be more motivated to do it. Try to remember what you used to like at school. Did you enjoy team sports like softball or basketball? Was tennis your game? Or maybe you preferred solo sports such as athletics or long distance running? Or perhaps you enjoyed a hobby such as dancing? There are so many opportunities to join adult sports clubs where you can combine getting fit with expanding your social life. If there are few adult dance classes available in your area then perhaps consider an exercise class that combines music and movement such as Clubbercise or Zumba. Whatever you chose to do make sure it’s an activity you love so it can keep you fit for life.