Course Creation Guide For Dummies

Almost everyone is aware of the fact that training courses are highly valuable for modern organizations. No matter if they are educational, non-profit or business organizations they are in need of a quality learning environment that allows them to deliver knowledge to their members or employees.

This is where modern technology has jumped in to save the day with various training platforms for eLearning providing many conveniences both to organizations trying to teach people and to students. One of the best tools you can use to create a training course is a learning management system – LMS.

These are specialized platforms and they offer various features and options that help improve training courses. To make a good course, you will first have to get a good LMS and only then can you start working on your training program. This guide will help you learn about the basics of creating eLearning courses using an LMS, so bear with us for a while.

Determine what kind of training is needed

Just imagine a scenario where a manager at your company recognize that there is a problem in the production process and that it’s important to improve the overall efficiency of employees. It’s OK to have proactive managers, but before you start working on anything, it’s important that you assess the whole thing a little better to know whether or not this is the right way to go.

Some of the basic assessment for training needs includes these steps:

  1. Determining a business goal that needs to be achieved through this training course.
  2. Determining the job that needs to be done by employees so that the whole organization can achieve it’s business goal.
  3. Figure out which training courses need to be created in order to provide your workers with the knowledge they need to perform their tasks better.
  4. Assess what learning capacities individuals have and adjust training in the best way possible, so that they learn as fast as possible.

Explain to learners how they will benefit from your training course

One of the best ways to instantly engage your learners and get their attention is to tell them about the training course they will be learning from. By talking about all of the benefits and things they will learn, you will be able to spark interest and make people want to learn from your course.

This is why you need to create a short description of your whole course and showcase what information and skills your students will be able to acquire through it. On top of that, you should also outline how they can use those benefits practically in real life.

This is how you will get them excited about the training that they will receive as they will be able to do things they haven’t done before and improve themselves as professionals. In order for students to be productive during their learning sessions, they need to be intrigued with the knowledge presented to them and feel enthusiastic about it.

Include visual content into your learning courses

One of the most important things for creating a learning course in a LMS is to include a lot of different visual content and multimedia in general. These things include, images, illustrations, charts, audio, video and other types of media. This is how you will make sure that you reach a vider spectrum of learning styles your workers have.

On the other hand, visual and audio content can also help engage learners and helps them fully comprehend the material in front of them. When it comes to traditional classroom learning, PowerPoint presentations and projections were a standard, but when it comes to online learning platforms you can use various visual, video and audio aids to engage learners and make them more active in their learning.

Modern people are used to acquiring information through images, videos, illustrations, infographics etc. They acquire information this way every day when they go online and they are used to consuming this kind of content. On top of that, textual content is not always suited for delivering a certain type of information and in those cases visual content is the right solution.

Make your course easily digestible

One of the most essential things about an online course is to make sure that your target audience will be able to understand and adopt the information within it without any problems. First of all, make sure that your writing is simple and that you use a language that everyone is familiar with. Your learner should be guided through logical steps arranged in a hierarchy which allows easier reading and processing of information.

Another good method is to simply segment all of your learning material into “smaller bits” so that learners can comprehend them more easily and move on. For example, when teaching employees how they can be more productive, you shouldn’t instantly overwhelm them with all possible ways in which they can improve. The better option is to work on one thing at a time and create smaller, manageable and more digestible lessons.

All of the lessons should be put in a logical order to make learners able to take the next lesson shortly after absorbing the first one. Additionally, you can create assessment sessions between each of the separated lessons to make sure that the learners were able to retain the necessary skills and knowledge.

If you were wondering whether or not training is important in modern business organizations, know that it definitively is. However, not all problems can be solved with training alone and not all training courses are beneficial. This is why you need to analyze your needs and design, and develop great learning courses that will be useful to the people you implement them for.