Can You Really Live Off The Grid? 7 Things You Need to Do First

Many of us feel uncomfortable with the government’s firm grip into our daily lives in deceitfully innocuous ways. With how tumultuous our society has become, you may worry about utilities being cut off or electronic communications and usage being monitored. To relieve some of the anxiety brought on by heavy government involvement, many people decide to live off the grid, or as close to off the grid as they can. Some people want to have complete independence and control over the way they are living. 

Living off the grid means not having any way for the authorities to track down your activities. However, how can you truly accomplish that in today’s society? This article will discuss seven preparations you will have to make if you truly want to live off the grid.

Pick the Right Location

Location is everything when it comes to off-grid living. While you don’t necessarily need to live in the middle of nowhere, you do need to find a location with plenty of space, good planting conditions, and abundant fresh water.

You may also need to do some research on the state you plan to live in. Some states have laws and systems that will support your new off-the-grid lifestyle while others will make it very difficult for you. Some of the best states for off-grid living include Alabama, Missouri, Georgia, Tennessee, and Texas. Think about the weather of the location you will be moving to and make sure it is somewhere you will be happy living in long term. 

Prepare for Health Emergencies

Before you cancel your health insurance, get a checkup to ensure you are healthy enough to take on independent living. You should also create a plan in the case of a medical emergency, and bring first aid supplies with you. This includes setting aside finances for potential hospital visits. These bills can be very expensive, so you’ll need to set aside a significant amount.

Research the most likely injuries and illnesses you may encounter so that you know when you’re facing something you can treat yourself and when you need to register as a patient at a hospital. Also know how to treat medical emergencies yourself in case you need to take action before you can make it to a hospital. 

Plan for Power

Electricity really does make daily living so much easier. Your power is likely currently sourced from public utilities, which you’ll lose access to if you choose to go off the grid. However, you can make your own power for your off-grid home by using renewable energy. By outfitting your new house with solar panels, you can make enough power to power your home. While this will be a large upfront cost, it can pay off for you in the long run.

It’s a wise idea to also invest in solar batteries if you get solar panels. Solar batteries will store the excess power that gets made so that your home still has power after the sun goes down and in the event of a stormy day. Talk to a company like Harmon Solar about setting this up for your new home.

Establish Lines of Communication With Loved Ones

Even the toughest person out in the wilderness needs human companionship from time to time. Before you embark on your adventure, tell your family where you plan to place camp. If you plan to wander, establish a place where they can leave you letters or meet once a month or once a year.

Start a Garden

Living off grid will mean you have limited access to grocery stores. Consider starting a garden on your property to make sure you have fresh food on hand. You want to make sure you have food in case you aren’t able to make it to the grocery store for a while. This will make you more self-sufficient and also help you get the full experience of living off grid.

Install a Well on the Property

Installing a well on your off grid property will ensure you have access to fresh water at all times. You don’t want to rely on going into the city to stock up on water. This will also help you in case there is an emergency. You never know when you might need to shut off the water to your home or aren’t able to access water because of a natural disaster. 

Stock Up on Supplies

Before you make your move to your off grid home, stock up on plenty of supplies. This includes personal hygiene products, clothing for any weather, cleaning products, toilet paper, and more. This will reduce the amount of trips you need to take to the grocery store. Consider making a storage room in your new home where you can store all of your supplies. Talk to others who live off grid to receive advice about what and how many supplies you should be stocked up on. 

If you want to live self-sufficiently, we commend you. In order to succeed, though, you need to prepare properly. Keep these things in mind before you set off on your own. Do plenty of research before making the decision to live off the grid. Make sure you evaluate if it is the best decision for you and do everything you can to be prepared.