An Advanced Laser Lipo With Trisculpt Offers A Perfect Solution

For those who are finding it difficult to lose weight regardless of rigorous exercise and diet, Laser Lipo with Trisculpt is an advanced laser assisted body contouring procedure that offers a perfect solution. This laser liposuction helps in removal of fat and simultaneously tightens the skin. The procedure is approved by the FDA and is available at selected plastic surgery centers.

Fat is stored in the adipose tissue of the body which gives odd bulges, folds, and undesirable extensions of the flat areas. Traditional liposuction is an invasive technique of eliminating fat from the body that results in rapid weight loss. It uses a large cannula tool inserted into the body to draw out fat and requires large cuts in the body. This can lead to chances of injury or other trauma; as well can cause swelling, inflammation and loss of blood. However, Sono Bello offers Laser Lipo with Trisculpt which is much safer method as it seals off blood vessels instantly and there is no chance of excess bleeding. Trisculpt consists of three important steps:

One of the main reasons for the Laser Lipo with Trisculpt procedure being popular is that the procedure apart from being precise can also be used for treating almost all the body parts such as the abdomen, upper arms, outer and inner thighs, waist, hips, chest, ankles and chin. The procedure is ideal for those who are healthy with no medical problems.

Sono Bello physicians guarantee that patients can resume normal activities quickly after the procedure. The results of the Laser Lipo with Trisculpt procedure may vary from individual to individual. While the body fat is reduced to a great extent, at times mild bruises may be noticed. You can notice a more toned appearance in the area of treatment after few days. Getting the surgery done by a skilled and experienced plastic surgeon is of prime importance. This will ensure the most pleasing and appealing outcome from the procedure, as well as full safety. In case of conventional liposuction, the skin can continue to sag at times in spite of liposuction and can cut short the “life span” of the new look; however, with Trisculpt; one can get a permanent solution.

Thus, it can be concluded by stating that Sono Bello offers the perfect solution for patients who want to lose weight permanently in an effective way.