6 Tips On Selecting The Best Fabric For Uniforms

Selecting proper attire for office wear can be a tough task for any company. This is because that not only does the company value and colors have to be reflected in the attire but it also has to be long lasting and should be comfortable for the employees. Therefore choosing a good fabric is the right way to go forward. Here are a few tips on selecting the best fabric for office attire.The total image group has worked with compassion to provide the best quality garments to their customers. The quality of the product is supreme and the designs their team will pick is best suited to your company logo. You can discuss with their company associates to know the complete details.

1. The Fabric should be Comfortable

Since the employees will be wearing the fabric every day for more than twelve to thirteen hours, the fabric should be airy and comfortable. It should not stick to the skin and one should not have to change the dress over and over again.

2. The Fabric should be Easy to Clean

Some of the fabrics are difficult to clean in case there is some spillage or if the fabric gets dirty. This can lead to wastage of precious time on cleaning and washing and also the fabric might get spoilt easily in the process. Thus one should choose a fabric that can be cleaned easily.

3. Cost of the Fabric

Even a small company will make at least two to three pairs of dresses for the employees. Thus the cost of the uniforms can be very high for a small company to bear. Therefore the cost of the fabric should be low so that the company does not have to pay through the nose.

4. Long Life of the Attire

The long life of the attire is attributed to the long life of the fabric. If the fabric gets worn out because of repeated washing or regular use; then the company will have to bear a lot of money to replace the uniform. Thus the fabric should be long lasting.

5. Easy Availability and Replaceable

Since the attire will be replaced regularly then the company will have to spend time to find the same fabric and design. This can be a major time waste. Therefore the fabric should be such that it is easily available in the market and the dress can be easily replaced.

6. Colour

The colour of the fabric should not fade away easily because of washing and regular use. The material should not look old and worn out after a few days use because that does not reflect well on the image of the company. Thus the fabric should take all colours and should not wear out within just a few months bringing headache for the company.Total image in house team of designers work as per the client instructions. They also have a QC team i.e. a quality control team which checks the uniform before sending to you.