5 Tips To Maintain The Outdoor Wood Tiles Toronto Deck

Over a period of time, your outdoor wooden furniture and deck can look weary due to the weather and outdoor conditions. But, it is possible to maintain the wood outdoor tiles Toronto or rejuvenate the look. When the outdoors is an integral part of your life, you will have to equally care for it especially with the wooden outdoors. If you put in few minutes every day, you will not find it burdensome to clean the deck all at once.

Here are simple tricks to maintain your wooden outdoor flooring deck tiles:

Step 1 Sweeping: When you brush the wooden deck every day, you will not have to worry about stains from dry leaves or dust. Sweeping will surely go a long way. Using a stiff broom will help you get rid of any dirt. The outdoor mud and moss are known to cake up the wooden floors. If left unattended, you will have to put in a lot of efforts to get rid of the piled up dust that dries out on the board of your outdoor flooring for patios.

Step 2 Cleaning: While you should engage in sweeping daily, cleaning can be done as and when you feel your outdoor flooring needs it. You need to be careful while you are cleaning your patio or deck especially when it is a wooden one. Get a bucket of warm water. Add some mild detergent or cleaning solution. If you are comfortable using bleach then you can mix approximate 500 ml in about 10 liters of water. Slowly pour either of the solutions and scrub gently with a stiff broom. You can even use a scrubbing brush for cleaning the stains. However, you need to be very careful as it might damage the wood.

Step 3 Stubborn Stains: If you find any stubborn stains on the wooden board, you will have to work on it differently. Perhaps you will have to use a stronger mixture of cleaning solution or bleach. Timber boards can be cleaned by the sanding technique. While sanding, makes sure you collect it immediately in the dust pan and not push it on the boards. You will find several products to get rid of the gray timber or the deal with the weathered boards.

Step 4 Working on Damage: While cleaning, you might come across damaged boards, loose nails or even moisture build up. If it is possible to fix such issues yourself, take care of them immediately or else someone might get hurt. However, if you think that certain areas need professional attention to fixing the outdoor flooring deck tiles then get it. When you get the damaged repaired on time, it will help you to keep your porch look clean and good.

Step 5 Oiling: When you have wooden tiles in the outdoor, you will have to regularly oil them. This is to protect them from the damaging UV rays. The sun can easily dry out the boards leading them to crack or shrink. Use water based oil so that it is easier for you to apply the oil. Also, it dries quickly. Oiling not only resists the sun damage but also safeguards the boards against mold and fungus.