5 'Must Follow' Rules For A Solid Blog Content Strategy

When starting a blog, it’s important to have several things: a posting schedule, good design, and a content strategy. That way readers will know when to expect posts, and it will be easier on you when planning the content you are going to post on the page. Sometimes it can be difficult to come up with a strategy, but these five questions will help you.

1. What will be useful for your Readers?

Your blog can’t be about anything and everything. Your posts should contain relevant, useful information for the readers. Your blog covers a particular niche; make sure the material you produce is valuable.

2. How Easy is the Material to Digest?

If you’re posting a complicated, in depth guide or tutorial, it is often better to break it down into manageable chunks. The average blog post is around 300 to 500 words long; anymore than that, and you run the risk of losing your reader’s attention. By breaking down very long tutorials into sections according to the steps, it makes for an easier to follow guide.

3. Do you use Images?

In addition to text, images have been shown to increase traffic and hold reader attention. They also help to depict instructions better for guides and tutorials. By including images with your content on your blog, you increase the ranking of your posts in Google. So include images.

4. What are your user’s Goals?

What do your readers want to know? Why do they come to the site? Your blog should help your readers achieve their goals, whether that is to become a better marketer, to understand a hobby better, or something else. If your readers don’t consistently receieve new and useful information, they will stop coming.

5. What Outside Content can you include?

Don’t rely on yourself to produce all the content. There are other people in your niche producing value and quality content each day, and by occasionally promoting those people you build a potentially useful relationship while also providing content that your readers will find helpful.

If you aren’t comfortable creating a content strategy on your own, consider hiring a consultant. These skilled experts can help you with the process of content strategy creation, and walk you through the most important questions: who, what, where, when, and why. With these five questions, and the help of a consultant, you’ll be well on your way to creating a killer content strategy that will win you readers and subscribers, and help you to create a huge platform in the future. Good luck.