5 Home Improvements To Make Your Home More Sustainable

Home is the single most important (and expensive!) investment you’ll make in your lifetime. Why not treat it as such by using these five tips to make it work to your advantage? Since going green is all the rage these days, it pays to take a bit of time to make it both sustainable and exemplary.

Energy-efficient Insulation

Since going green is all about conserving energy and saving the planet, one of the smartest things you can do is to install efficient insulation. This cuts down on how hard air conditioner and heater have to work in order to keep you comfortable. Installing filters in HVAC’s return vent(s) can also reduce how hard the HVAC unit has to operate, and it also helps keep the air healthier by reducing allergens. Another helpful tip is to use insulated curtains. These curtains reflect the sunlight in the summer months, which helps keep your home cooler, and they also help keep it warmer in the winter by retaining the heat already inside. Weatherproofing your home also helps by eliminating poor seals around the windows, which helps eliminate drafts.

Energy Star Rated Appliances

It’s always a good idea to install Energy Star rated appliances. These ratings let you know just how much money you’re saving on a monthly bill. As an added plus, some, if not all, power companies offer discounts to their customers who have these appliances installed. These appliances add value to your home and will mean more money in your pocket if you decide to sell one day.

Solar Panels

If you’re serious about going green and doing your part to help protect and preserve the environment, consider having solar panels installed. Some companies offer tax and other incentives to install these. While most work in conjunction with the energy provider, some people who plan to “go off the grid” rely on these as their sole source of power. Check to see if there are any local dealers in the area who can give you further information on whether solar panels are right for you.

Energy Efficient Windows

While most people don’t think of windows when they think of going green, windows play an important part in making a home sustainable, as well as attractive. Modern windows offer leak-proof seals that prevents air from escaping out, as well as hot or cold air coming in. This can drastically increase how hard the HVAC system has to work, as well as your energy bill.

Is your Roof up to Date?

Roof also plays an important part on the efficiency scale. An old, leaky, or a roof with missing shingles or a bad seal means trouble for you, the homeowner. Having reliable, proper insulation in this area of your home is also important, as it helps regulate the temperature inside. If your roof has been damaged recently by storms or some other natural occurrence, check with the insurance company to see if they will replace it with a new, modern and energy efficient one.

Going Green Is Worth It

While all of these things may sound costly and time-consuming, it’s worth it if you want to keep your property up-to-date. The money you’ll save in the long run is worth considering whenever you’re planning on making any kind of improvement or modification. Having an up-to-date home that’s energy efficient will also be a major plus if you ever decide to sell. And while you’re making every effort to keep it attractive and sustainable, you’re also doing the same for the planet.

Some other options you may want to consider include composting as a way of recycling. This can be done by placing anything that’s biodegradable into a large container. If you’re considering a swimming pool, salt-water pools are easier to maintain and more environmentally friendly than their chlorine-dependent counterparts.