3 Reasons Why Businesses Should Change Their Apps

As the digital landscape continues to advance at a fast pace, the way in which businesses function is totally different from what it was just a few short years ago. Many businesses now have apps from which they operate and use to increase their user experience, but many businesses that operate through an app don’t realise that regular updates are critical. 

Introducing new features to your app that improve user experience should be a focus, especially if your business took the leap and made the initial investment in creating an app. When you first get a business app, your work has really only just begun. 

Mobile apps are only as good as the latest version, meaning that they need consistent and regular updates to keep your app fresh and relevant. But how often should your app be updated and why is it important? Let’s take a look at 3 reasons why businesses should change their apps. 

Combat Security Issues

Operating a business in an ever-evolving digital landscape has enough risks, but when you have a mobile application, threats and vulnerabilities are much more commonplace. Customers or clients will likely be entering highly sensitive personal information, such as their contact information, card or bank details. All of this information is considered highly sought after when it comes to digital and cybercrime. With mobile apps, there is a high risk that hackers or other malicious software might gain access to this data. 

Businesses should ensure that their customer’s data is being protected and exercise innovative tech solutions to ensure that users’ private information remains just that – private. A lack of security within your mobile app may deter customers away, as they will be wary of inputting their personal data. The easiest way to maintain strong security within your app is through the use of regular updates. This ensures that your business is safe from potential data breaches. 

Make Minor Adjustments To The UX

You want to ensure that your app stays fresh and relevant, but these changes need to be minor so that your users don’t notice. Unless you are carrying out a full rebrand or site update that you want your users to notice, UX updates shouldn’t be all that noticeable. Completely altering the interface of your app should be avoided, as it can overwhelm your customers. Instead, aim to make small and gradual changes that instead focus on improving the user experience. UX tweaks should be used to address small annoyances or momentary changes, for example, if images are displaying incorrectly or a CTA button isn’t working properly. 

Most app developers will be able to quickly go into the app and make a few minor tweaks without anyone noticing. App users don’t realise just how many updates are made to apps on a daily basis and how much of an impact they can make on their user experience. If you want to invest in the user experience, it would be worth instilling the help of a local design agency Manchester-based to assist further expanding on your customer’s experience. 

When it comes to keeping your app relevant, updating your app’s UI and UX design is a crucial step in keeping your customers engaged. Not only does this help improve elements that create a better user experience amongst your users, it is also a more streamlined way in solving common complaints. 

When you have updated your mobile app, you might notice that you see an increase in your app store ranking. This provides you the perfect opportunity to re-engage with your previous customers through new and updated marketing tactics. This means that not only do frequent updates assure your customers about your business, but it shows that you’re in it for the long run. No matter how much time and effort you invest into your business app, your actual app users will provide you with the most valuable feedback on ways to improve engagement within the app. 

Keep Up With Technology

Two good reasons for you to regularly update your business app is to keep up with both software and hardware advances. Each time your mobile phone updates, the chances are that your mobile apps will also need updating, so you need to ensure that if an operating system update occurs, this doesn’t create problems with your app’s interface and functionality. 

You also need to keep close any updates that may occur with other apps that the interface interacts with. These changes may prompt the need for an update to ensure that apps remain compatible with one another. For example, should your app connect with Apple Pay or Google Maps, you will need to keep up to date with these platforms to ensure that the integration between the apps remains seamless. 

As your mobile application will be working directly with operating systems such as Apple and Android, you need to stay on top of any updates within the OS so that your mobile app’s useability isn’t affected. Fortunately, if you’ve been regularly keeping up to date with your mobile app, it will be compatible with all the latest technologies and updates.